Equality and Diversity

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service is fully committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion for a modern fire and rescue service. As a public authority, we have an obligation to ensure that all staff are treated fairly and with respect taking into account the needs of people from different backgrounds. In order to fulfil our obligation, we have developed and implemented an Equality Scheme.

The Equality Scheme

Our Equality Scheme provides an overview of key equality objectives that we are working towards. It is effectively a strategy with a realistic action plan that outlines how we intend to promote equality, diversity and inclusion in what we do.

Our action plans to support the Equality Scheme are supported by a wide range of initiatives that are intended to deliver our objectives. We review our Equality Scheme and objectives annually and publish our progress on our external website as part of our equality annual reporting.

The Equality Scheme currently identifies the following groups to be underrepresented in our workforce:

  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) – across the workforce
  • People with disabilities – across the workforce
  • Women – in operational roles
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) across the workforce

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service has developed specific initiatives to support and encourage people from the identified groups to consider careers within the Service.

Diversity Initiatives

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service runs and supports local, regional and national initiatives to increase the number of underrepresented groups in the workforce. The Service has developed a locally focused uutreach plan and undertakes Positive Action aimed at attracting applicants from underrepresented groups in our workforce.

Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI)

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service is a member of Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI). ENEI is a leading employer network promoting equality and inclusion in the workplace. ENEI covers all the nine protected characteristics with specific objectives to influence government, business and trade unions, while campaigning for real practical change.

Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA)

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service is a member of the Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA) and works closely with the association in order to promote equality in the fire and rescue services. AFSA is an independent, inclusive, employee-led support group with the aim to raise the profile of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic issues in the fire and rescue services.

Disability Confident

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service has signed up to the Disability Confident Scheme which has replaced the two tick symbol. The Disability Confident scheme is designed to help employers in making the most of the opportunities provided by employing disabled people. The scheme was developed by employers and disabled people’s representatives.


We recognise that policies are not enough to tackle issues of bullying, harassment and discrimination. Therefore we are committed to providing suitable and adequate training to all employees, starting with a mandatory Introduction to Equality and Diversity Course which forms part of our induction. Training is also offered throughout the year on a range of equality (strands/characteristics) related topics.

The Law

The Equality Act 2010 sets out, within a legal context, the requirements for public authorities to prepare and publish relevant equality information. The legislation places a duty on public bodies to eliminate unlawful discrimination across all protected characteristics, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people who share a characteristic and those who do not. Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service will work towards building equality and diversity in respect of all protected characteristics which include:

  1. Age
  2. Disability
  3. Gender
  4. Gender Reassignment
  5. Marriage and Civil Partnership
  6. Pregnancy and Maternity
  7. Sexual Orientation
  8. Race
  9. Religion or Belief

Equality and Fairness at Work Policy 

We believe that our Equality and Fairness at Work policy is of fundamental importance, and underpins all of our employment, management and service delivery policies and practices. Our “Dealing with Complaints of Harassment and Bullying Policy”, is aimed at ensuring that we create an environment which is free from harassment while encouraging everyone to treat colleagues with dignity and respect.

Positive Action Statement

Read our Positive Action Statement here 

To view our vacancies, please click here